Friday, November 7, 2014

Organ pipes

 I am a member of a church choir and last Saturday 
I took this photo of organ pipes with my Samsung Galaxy S2.


Linking up with:  


  1. Very nice picture Birgitta!
    And the pipes are really well organ-ized :)
    I just went for a look at your place and I
    fell over your fall picture and then I fell in
    love with it :) Since I'm not a fan of bling bling,
    I'll check your blog now to see, if I find more
    pictures like that.
    What a beautiful country you live in!

    Have fun - Knipsa

  2. It looks like a artwork, so imposant and the effects in black and white are diverse !

  3. I like this! Great lines, and fine work with your mobile!

  4. Jeg hadde aldri trodd at et mobilkamera hadde fått detaljene så bra frem (og jeg har en Samsung S4 mini)

  5. Love the patterns and perspective. I've got the same phone, but I haven't used it for photos. That looks really impressive.

  6. How beautiful! My husband plays the organ and when he was a kid he and his father built a pipe organ in their house… not as grand as this, but a real pipe organ:-)

  7. Love the patterns in the shot.

  8. Your phone did such a great job, and the image looks so detailed and silvery. I use my Samsung phone a lot too, great camera.

  9. Pipe organs are so beautiful! I love to see them at churches. Great shot!

  10. Wow, what a beautiful organ! :)
